
Engelsk eksamen 2g

01. juni 2005 af jope55 (Slettet)
Hjælp til engelsk notater...
jeg skal op i engelsk tirs.d 7/6. Jeg har problemer med noget af mit pensum,så hvis nogen har nogle notater eller andet vil jeg meget gerne høre fra jer.
Herunder er mit pensum:

-Liam O'Flaherty:the sniper

-Sylvia Haymon:Mr Kleinman's cat

-Stephen King:The man who loved flowers

-Jason Miller:circus lady

-Hanif Kureishi:My son the fanatic

-Hanif Kureishi:Sweet kids with shocking ideas(Newsweek)

-Ted Hughes:A moterbike

-Traceyann Chin:In those years

-Timberlake Wertenbaker:Our country's good

-Dolores Ringer:(from)Dramaturgical notes

-Brian Bell:The Scottish character

-Tom Leonard:This is

-Irvine Welsh:Stoke Newington Blues(The acid house p.32-41)

håber på lidt respons :)

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Svar #1
01. juni 2005 af Fransen (Slettet)

jeg har lidt til Cirkus Lady, hvis det er...

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Svar #2
13. juni 2005 af kuppet (Slettet)

hej jeg kunne da godt tænke mig lidt om the circus lady???

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Svar #3
13. juni 2005 af Tjina (Slettet)

Hey! Jeg har nogle noter fra 1.g om "the man who loved flowers".. De er ikk særlig gode.. men det kan jo være at du kan bruge dem:

s. 175

The story takes place on Manhattan, N.Y. City. In May 1963. There is a young hansom man. He is walking down the street to a flower vendor. He buys some tea roses for his so said “girlfriend”, Norma. He went down a gloomy street were he sees a young woman dressed in a sailor blouse. He thought it was Norma and he went towards her. She feels uncomfortable and says to him that he is mistaking and she isn’t Norma. But he is sure that she is Norma. He pulls up a hammer, and begins to hit her with it, till she’s dead. He left her with the tea roses laying everywhere.

1. The story takes place on Manhattan, N.Y. City. In May 1963.
2. The main character has dark hair, cut short, has light blue eyes and he wears a grey suit.
3. The first person he meets is an old lady.
4. The old lady calls out to him “Hey beautiful”. She could see that he was in love.
5. The young man stops to buy some flowers. It’s for his girlfriend, Norma, because he loved to see her happy and surprised eyes. Maybe he has bought flowers every time he should “meet Norma”, and I think that maybe he use it as a visiting card, because he is a serial killer.
6. The flower vendor is an old man. About 68 years old. Wearing a torn grey knitted sweater and a soft cap. He has a lot of wrinkles. His eyes were deep in pouches, and he was smoking. He is happy for the young man, because he also sees that he is in love.
7. The man buys some tea roses. Yellow, red and white. – white = pureness. – red = love. – yellow = falseness! – False pure love!
9. His eyes were wide, alert and eager.
10. The final place he ends up is seventy Third Street. The street was dark, lined with brownstones and Italian walk-down restaurants. A lot of garbage cans.
11. You know something is going to happen. Something scary.
12. His smile trembled a little and felt a moment’s disquiet. He was surprised, every time he saw her “for the first time”.
13. He maybe means that he has done so much for her, and maybe she didn’t appreciated it. Maybe she has never been his girlfriend. Maybe he was in love with her, and she wasn’t in love with him. And maybe he did everything for her, and she kept rejecting him. And then she began to see him as a pursuer. And if he couldn’t have her, nobody could, so he had to kill her.
14. The girl seemed very surprised, so I think they just bumped into each other by accident.
15. She’s polite, thanking him, but tell him that he is mistaking, and hands him the flowers back.
16. That she has been dead for ten years.
18. He has no sense of time. He is a psycho.
19. Maybe he is he calling himself love, because what he is doing is because of the love he feels for Norma.
20. He will continue his killing till he finds her, his “beloved Norma”. He will never stop his killing until he finds her.

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Svar #4
13. juni 2005 af Tjina (Slettet)

ups, havde ikke lige set at det var d.7/6 du sku op:) hehe...

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