
Rettelse af fejl =)

05. marts 2006 af marketing (Slettet)
Hurtigst muligt, skal afleveres imorgen?

I mean though that it is expensive to get the famous people like Beckham to advertise for the
variously companies it’s actually an advantages for them. If it a little company that invest all the money to get the famous people or just Beckham to advertise for their products its gunner make a successfully marketing. And if it a great company that is known at the whole world its gunner have the double results of the marketing. But the important thing is that they all make positive results. The most people in the whole world like Beckham, and specially the girls and through there are people who doesn’t like him, just not have the big interest in football players or they just are fans of other players it will not have the big influence on the marketing. Because their are millions of peoples who look up to him around the world. And the companies who have use the famous people’s popularity in their marketing still using the famous people. And the reason is their have been good results on using them. And like Beckham, he has made variously contracts with the companies. And the good with these advertises is that Beckham making millions of money on just few minutes on advertising.

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Svar #1
05. marts 2006 af Jens_kj (Slettet)

I mean, (though it is) expensive to get the famous people like Beckham to advertise for the
(various) companies it’s actually an (advantage) for them. If it (is) a (small) company that (invests) all (its) money (in getting) famous people, or just Beckham, to advertise for their (product it's going to be) a (successful) marketing. And if it (is) a (large) company that is known (throughout) the (entire) world (it is going to be twice as efficient).
But the important thing is that they all make positive results. (Most of the) people in the world like Beckham(. Especially) the girls(. And though) there are people who (don't) like him, (don't) have (a) big interest in football players or are just fans of other players, it will not have (a) big influence on the marketing because (there) are millions of (people) who look up to him around the world. And the companies who (HAVE used) the famous people’s popularity in their marketing still (use them). And the reason is (there has) been good results (when) using them. (Like Beckham, who has) made (various) contracts with companies. And the good (thing about) these (advertisements) is that Beckham (is) making millions of (dollars) (through) just few minutes (of) advertising.

Der er mange fejl, men jeg har sat rettelserne i parantes, så du kan se, hvad du har gjort forkert.
Jeg foreslår også, skærer nogle sætninger væk, da de bare er gentagelser af de tidligere.

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