
pleass hjææælp til en rettelses

14. december 2006 af fari (Slettet)
Hi, nogen være søde og rette min kort engelsk resume i gennem.
Pleas hjælp der skal aflevers i morgen

The article is about CO2 problems and I 2005 EU have interesting to sat establish a project CarboOcean. There are scientists from 47 European universities and an other scientific institution. The article is an interview with a scientist from Denmark. He discusses various problems and says that the ocean can help us with problem from the greenhouse effect, Co2 gas dissolve in the water an the ocean absorb all that CO2. He says we can als plant many forests, but is it not as effective at the ocean. He has investigated between the co absorption and temperatur and say it is a problem if the oceantemperatur is very high and it will be a negative effect (på optage CO2)

Hvordan skal siges den seæning på engelsk.
Man først blev fuldt opmærksom på for 30 -40 år siden havets betydelige evne til at absorbere CO2.

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Svar #1
14. december 2006 af Lisa02 (Slettet)

The article is about CO2 problems and I 2005 EU have... / skal der ikke så IN 2005 EU have...?`

but is it / but IT IS

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Svar #2
15. december 2006 af Akademic (Slettet)

The article is about CO2 problems and I 2005 EU have interesting to sat establish a project CarboOcean. There are scientists from 47 European universities and other scientific institutions. The article is an interview with a scientist from Denmark. He discusses various problems and says that the ocean can help us with problem from the greenhouse effect, Co2 gas dissolve in the water and the ocean absorb all that CO2. He says we can also plant many forests, but is it not as effective at the ocean. He has investigated between the co (mener du co2?) absorption and temperature. However, says it is a problem if the ocean temperature is very high, and it will be a negative effect (på optage CO2). On the consumption of CO2?

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Svar #3
15. december 2006 af Akademic (Slettet)


The article is about the CO2 problems and in 2005 EU had interests to establishing a project CarboOcean. There were scientists from 47 European universities and other scientific institutions. The article is an interview with a scientist from Denmark. He discusses various problems and says that the ocean can help us with problem from the greenhouse effect, Co2 gas dissolves in the water and the ocean absorbs all that CO2. He says we can also plant many forests, but it is not as effective as the ocean. He has investigated (the problem)? between the CO2 absorption and temperature. However, says it is a problem if the ocean temperature is very high, and it will be a negative effect (på optage CO2). On the consumption of CO2?

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