
Rettelse af 300 ords tekst

28. august 2007 af u7295c0604 (Slettet)
Jeg ville høre om der var en kompetent person der ville ryde de værste bummerter af vejen i min tekst, mange hilsner Jens:

London, 28th december

Dear Mary

How disappointed it was to visit London again after so many years. I am sure that London is competing with Rome for being the most boring capital in Europe. You wonder how it has come this far, when you know that London was the centre of the world in the swinging sixties – Think of Carnaby Steet and Rolling Stones. There is no doubt that the famous English Sunday witch is boredom it selves has spread to the rest of the week. People say that every day is a Sunday in London.
I am disappointed with the fact that it is no longer possible to get a good cup of tea or a nice meal. This is caused by the fact that you have to be lucky to find an original English restaurant. But it is of cause wonderful to see that the traditionally English pub still exists.
As a tourist it surprises you that there still is so filthy in the underground compared to the last visit. It appears that there is nobody to take care of the removing of the garbage. Despite the underground transports many million people to their jobs and home again every day, it does not appear to have revived any kind of renovation since the war. I am sure the underground in London is one of the most uncomfortable and most worn out in the world.
It was a chock to revisit the old elegant part of the town like Kensington. They are now invaded by people from the Middle East. The front of the houses are flaking off and falling down. And through the windows without any curtains you see Arabs who lay on mattress while they smokes and talks rubbish from the morning to the evening and the night too.
Well no more pessimistic considerations about London – I am looking forward to visit you.
Best regards

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Svar #1
28. august 2007 af -Zeta- (Slettet)

Mit bud på få ændringer:

How disappointed it was to visit London again after so many years. I am sure that London is competing /with/(against) Rome /for/(as) being the most boring capital in Europe. You (may) wonder how it has come this far, when you know /that/ London was the centre of the world in the swinging sixties – Think of Carnaby /Steet/(Street) and (the) Rolling Stones. There is no doubt that the famous English Sunday /witch/(which) is boredom it selves has spread to the rest of the week. People say that every day is a Sunday in London.

I am disappointed with the fact that it is no longer possible to get a good cup of tea or a nice meal. This is /caused by/(due to) the fact that you have to be lucky to find an original English restaurant. But it is of cause wonderful to see that the traditional/ly/ English pub(s) still exist/s/.

As a tourist /it surprises/ you (must be surprised) that there (is) still /is/ so filthy in the underground compared to /the/(your) last visit. It appears that there is nobody /to/(who) take care of the removing of the garbage. Despite the underground transports /many/(several) million people to their jobs and (back) home again every day, it does not appear to have revived any kind of renovation since the war. I am sure the underground in London is one of the most uncomfortable and most worn out in the world.

It was a /chock/(shock) to revisit the old elegant part of the town like Kensington. They are now (being) invaded by people from the Middle East. The front of the houses are flaking off and falling down.

And through the windows without any curtains you see Arabs who lay on mattress(es) while they smoke/s/ and talk/s/ rubbish from the morning /to/(till) the evening and (even) the night too.
Well no more pessimistic considerations about London – I am looking forward to visit you.

(...) = skal indsættes
/.../ = skal slettes

Svar #2
28. august 2007 af u7295c0604 (Slettet)

Mange tak for hjælpen :)
Hilsen Jens

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