
Engelsk (kort) rettelse!!! ..

25. oktober 2007 af LulliexD (Slettet)
Hej allesammen .. :)
jeg har nu endelig skrevet anden del af min aflevering, og har kigged rimelig grundigt på det hele..
- Håber der stadig er nogle vågne som gider at rette den her korte aflevering :b ..

2. Write about one of the themes we have talked about in the class (e.g. bullying, parents’
expectations, becoming a man/woman by passing a “test”, … ) and relate it to an experience
you have had with one of these issues (write a maximum of one page, line spacing 1 ½).

If I have to write about one of the themes we have talked about in the class, would it defiantly be parents’ expectations.
My parents’ expectations to me are so big, that I sometimes can not take it.
I clearly understand that they want the best for my self, but sometime they also overreact, example they want me to have one of the highest education, they want me to have the highest grade in my class, and even if I come home with a bad grade, they are not just going to be disappointed, no – but also angry. I have always had the dream that I someday would stand up as a pilot, and fly planes all over the world, but I am now so confused about my future, because my parents wants me to study medial in the university, and then study to be a doctor. I am now in my 1-year in the high school, and I am still not clarified concerning my future tense. The difficultness for my parents to understand is that they think that high school nowadays is the same as it was when they were in high school. They are not aware of the high (høje krav?) to study medical nowadays (mener de er ikke klar over hvor store krav man skal have for at læse medicin nu til dags).
My uncle is a doctor, and my parents, specially my mother always say that I have to be a doctor like him. I have talked to my parents about what I would like to study, but they just keep saying that it isn’t a good choice, example have I just talked to my mother about dentist, I think it’s a exciding job but she just said: “I think you should take the medical education and study to a doctor, but if you wants to be a dentist, lawyer or engineer, then do what ever you want... but my biggest dream is that I someday see you as a doctor, so you can choose to make my dream come true, or do what you would like to”. I really started to think over what my mother said that day and I think that this is what makes it hard for a student to decide how his/she’s future have to be. But one thing I just can not understand is why do parents always have so high expectations to their children?

- Mange tak på forhånd! :)
- ville virkelig være en stor hjælp hvis den ku rettes idag, da den skal afleveres i morgen tidligt ..


Brugbart svar (0)

Svar #1
25. oktober 2007 af Niinnaaah (Slettet)

Pas på din ordstilling! Det hedder:
it´would defiantly be the parents’ expectations.

Brugbart svar (0)

Svar #2
25. oktober 2007 af Niinnaaah (Slettet)

- uden ' ved it..

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Svar #3
25. oktober 2007 af Niinnaaah (Slettet)

det hedder somtimes med s..

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Svar #4
25. oktober 2007 af Niinnaaah (Slettet)


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Svar #5
25. oktober 2007 af Niinnaaah (Slettet)

for example i stedet for example. eller bare e.g.

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Svar #6
25. oktober 2007 af Niinnaaah (Slettet)

men der er generelt en del ting. du kan sende den til min mail i stedet - eller vi kan skrive over msn, det er vidst nemmere..

Svar #7
25. oktober 2007 af LulliexD (Slettet)

Okaii .. :)
- jeg kan os godt sende den til din indbakke her på studieportalen hvis det er ? ..

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