
Rettelse af kort tekst

06. januar 2009 af MGK91 (Slettet)

Hey allesammen.

Jeg er igang med en engelsk stil, hvor jeg bl.a. skal skrive et kort essay.

Opgaven lyder:

Skriv et kort essay (150-200 ord), hvor du diskutere, i hvilket omfang medierne og mode industrien selv er skyld i, at mange unge mennesker lider af lavt selvværd og fordrejet organ billeder.

Dette er hvad jeg har skrevet indtil videre;

Occurrences of eating disorders are growing among young girls who suffer low self-esteem. The girls get critical of their own bodies, which is contrary to the slim ideal. On the other hand the boys are developing into a biological stage to a athletic male ideal, so they aren’t that body-‘hypnotized’ by their bodies than girls are in general, but still we are still seeing dope-scandals occurring among the young boys. These boys have a lack of self-confidence because they see themselves as skinny and slackly and think that drugs can help them to get a better self-esteem. Advertising often works by making us feel unhappy with our lives, anxious and dissatisfied. The messages are obviously that you are not accepted unless you buy this, wear that brand, wash your hair with that new shampoo, and look like that slim model. Most of the advertisement the media is making is based on sex because they know it sells. The sex roles, which the media represent, actually have an affect on girls and boys self-image, body-conscious and life style.
Today you are judged by your outer look. People through the years have been focused on their outer appearance but today there is the media responsible. In that way, it can be difficult to like and accept yourself, and then to find your own identity because the media affect you so much that you have hard to create your own identity. The media affect the young girls’ norms and the idea of the understanding of the body and to be sexual attractive. The dissatisfaction with their body aren’t due to the problems with the weight but a result of the norms and ideas, which can lead to eating disorders.

Kunne rigtigt godt bruge noget respons på det. Er det godt nok, nogle sproglige fejl, for mange gentagelser....?

På forhånd tak!

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Svar #1
07. januar 2009 af imc712 (Slettet)

Jeg fik min amerikanske kæreste til at rette din tekst  i en rækkefølge og han skriver:

- On the other hand" need a comma after that.
- "stage to a athletic" I think needs to "an" instead of "a".
- "get a better self-esteem." could be "get better self-esteem" or "get to a better level of self-esteem".
"- anxious, and dissatisfied".
- "the advertisement the media is making" the advertisements the media are making...
- "boy's self-image.."
- "body-consciousness"
- "but now it seems the media is responsible"
- "affects you so much" or "because you are so affected by the media.."
- "that people find it difficult to create their own identity"
- "affects"

I think you are right about the media, other sources are the way parents treat their kids and also kids at school influencing them (who are also influenced by media and parents and other kids therefore, creating a vicious/evil cycle).

I don't know how long it has to be, but you add something about the peer pressure of other people, parents can play a part, but I don't know the specifics of that, it's usually the parents that talk down to their kids.

Håber det hjalp. Hvis der er noget du ikke forstår så bare spørg såskal jeg nok forklare dig hvad han mener med det eller hvad ordet betyder.

Iman 2b

Svar #2
07. januar 2009 af MGK91 (Slettet)

Ved du hvad.. Den er bare blevet så perfekt! Tror íkke at jeg vil kunne takke jer to nok!

Er det måske muligt, at han også kunne tjekke min oversættelse igennem? :$ Hvis jeg sætter den ind her:;

The fashion industry gets ethnic charter

In the last couple of years, there have been many discussions about the connection between the fashion industry’s ideal bodies and the prevalence of eating disorders among models and young girls in the society in general. The fashion industry is accused of being responsible for the current ideal body, and now Danish Fashion Institute, which is the Danish fashion industry’s network organisation, wants to influence the opinions and norms in the industry.

“The ideal bodies which are found in fashion magazines, movies, music videos and in the elite sport’s world, has influence on the young people’s self-image. If the fashion industry can help prevent the development of risk conduct for eating disorders we will with pleasure that,” the director of Danish Fashion Institute Eva Kruse says.

The Danish Fashion Institute (DAFI) has in co-operation with the National Association against eating disorders and self-damaged (LMS) elaborated an ethnic charter. The charter will ensure the Danish models better well-being and affect the positions on body and ideals in the fashion industry, the media and the society as well in general. The charter is deal to secure the models’ health and their safety and to pass on ideals with a natural and healthy relationship to food, body and exercise.

Bruger jeg nogle rigtige vendinger, stavelser osv..?

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Svar #3
08. januar 2009 af imc712 (Slettet)

Det var så lidt. Vi vil med glæde gerne hjælpe dig ;)

Jeg har sendt ham teksten over e-mail og han siger at han sender den tilbage i aften eller tidligt i morgen. Han synes at du er rigtig god. Faktisk havde han nogle flere forslag til hvad du ellers skulle skrive til den aller første tekst, men da du måske allerede har afleveret den så er det måske lige meget nu?  Hvis du er interesseret skal du bare sige til :)

Hvornår vil du helst have den tilabge igen? Er det noget der haster, for ellers skal jeg nok sige til ham at han skal skynde sig.

Iman :)

Svar #4
08. januar 2009 af MGK91 (Slettet)

Altså jeg havde sådan set tænkt mig at aflevere den i morgen. Men jeg kan godt vente med at aflevere den, hvis I gerne vil kigge på resten :p Den er på 3,5 .. altså det som I ikk har kigget på er på 1,5 side... det er hverken essay eller oversættelse. det er en reklame analyse, som jeg faktisk er mest nervøs for..

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Svar #5
09. januar 2009 af imc712 (Slettet)

Jeg ved ikke rigtig hvad reklame analyse er for noget. hehe :P

Men hvornår SKAL du aflevere den. Hvis du har masser af tid så kan vi godt kigge på resten ;)

Svar #6
10. januar 2009 af MGK91 (Slettet)

Jeg aflevere den mandag. Har I tid til at kigge på den? I skal kun rette de sproglige fejl ikke andet :)

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Svar #7
11. januar 2009 af imc712 (Slettet)

The fashion industry gets ethnic charter

In the last couple of years, there have been many discussions about the connection between the fashion industry’s image of the ideal body and the prevalence of eating disorders among models and young girls in the society all over the world. The fashion industry is accused of being responsible for the image of current ideal body, and now Danish Fashion Institute, which is the Danish fashion industry’s network organization, wants to influence the opinions and norms in the industry.
“The ideal bodies which are found in fashion magazines, movies, music videos and in the elite sport’s world, has influence on the young people’s self-image. If the fashion industry can help prevent the development of risk conduct for eating disorders we will appreciate that,” the director of Danish Fashion Institute Eva Kruse says.
The Danish Fashion Institute (DAFI) has in cooperation with the National Association against eating disorders and self-damaged (LMS) elaborated an ethnic charter. The charter will ensure the Danish models better health, and affect the image of body and ideals in the fashion industry, the media and the society as well in general. The charter will secure secure the models’ health and their safety and to pass on ideals with a natural and healthy relationship to food, body and exercise.

Der er faktisk ikke så meget at rette siger han. Han siger at det er en meget god tekst og sprog, men han har rettet det her:

- Organization I stedet for organization.
- Cooperation I stedet for co-operation.
- We will appreciate that I stedet we will with pleasure that.
- Health I stedet for well-being
- Image I stedet for positions on
- The charter will secure I stedet for The charter is deal to secure

Og så er der nogle meget små stavefejl og andre grammatiske fejl som jeg har rettet.
Du kan bare kopiere teksten. Vi har rettet i teksten i stedet for at du selv skal rette det :)

Svar #8
11. januar 2009 af MGK91 (Slettet)

Tusind tak skal I have:D Har Itid til at kigge på analysen? bare for sproglige fejl.. Jeg har rettet den igennem mange gange, så jeg tror ikk, at der skulle være så mange fejl.............?

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