
analysis of an article

01. marts 2011 af kidmartion (Slettet) - Niveau: B-niveau

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The freedom to disappear
The Traakit system promises to keep a GPS lock on your kids wherever they are. Thank goodness I didn't have it on my gap year ... I think

Michael Cross
guardian.co.uk, Friday 25 September 2009 10.40 BST
Article history
A few weeks after my 17th birthday, I took a bus to the M4 motorway and stuck out my thumb. For most of the next three years, as I hitched a great triangle stretching from the Hebrides to Rome to Tehran, my blameless family had no idea for months at a time in which country, or even which continent, I – or my dead body – might be found.

That "freedom" is now gone, but only if you want it to be. With a clever tie-up of technologies – global positioning system (GPS), digital mobile phone networks and online maps – a pair of British entrepreneurs have developed a system for monitoring the location of a mouse-sized transmitter in theory anywhere in the world.

The Traakit "satellite alerting device" was originally developed to monitor the location of valuable items. But it's already been used at least once to keep an eye on a gap-year teenager. I know plenty of parents who would cough up £400-odd (the cost of the hardware plus a year's subscription) for the same sliver of reassurance.

Another notch up the one-way ratcheted scale to a panopticon society? Perhaps. But, as ever, a plea to keep things in perspective. Technical limitations would seem to restrict the Traakit's use beyond the laudable one of keeping tabs on valuable property. For a start, no GPS signal is going to tell your folks if you are spending your evenings in a language school or the opium den next door to it.

Indeed, GPS signals can't even be received inside substantial concrete or steel buildings, or even railway carriages and as soon as you're properly off the beaten track there's no mobile phone signal anyway.

Regardless, who in their right mind would want to keep such tight tabs on their errant offspring? OK, so they're plastered in Bangkok or having wild sex on an Australian beach. Exactly what are you going to do about it? Jump on the next flight with a box of Alka-Seltzer or a refresher course on condom use? Surely on these occasions ignorance is truly bliss.

Think about it. What if your parents had known about every drinking den, nightclub or bike shed that provided your teenage entertainment? Rather than being the truly balanced individual that you are now, you'd still be wondering where babies came from.

Some panopticon. I wish the system's inventors well, and look forward to the price dropping a bit so I can fit one on my bike. And more importantly, on my daughter's too.

Will she have any say in the matter? I honestly don't know. Earlier, I deliberately put the word freedom in inverted commas. At 17, I was quite free to disappear, but that freedom was always one-sided. Maybe all freedoms are.

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Svar #1
01. marts 2011 af BrainChild (Slettet)

Man skal altid starte med at resumere / referere teksten

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02. marts 2011 af backus (Slettet)

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